OSAAT is an acronym for One Step At A Time which embodies the approach to activity this project is taking. It also means “You can” in Finnish which further plays into the message. The OSAAT by McDowell Design aims to bridge that gap by creating accessible custom footwear. It is the projects intention to offer a footwear solution that can be used for high intensity activity such as running as well as having court capabilities all while not forfeiting the aesthetic appeal that would allow it to be worn in a casual or professional environment. Thus, ensuring that whoever is wearing these shoes will have the perfect shoe for them always on foot.
Doubles as a black substitute while not creating strain on the eyes in the app. Also symbolizes strength, a virtue the product displays
Is used to reduce the overall contract in the branding. Grey is also represents balance, a key part of the Osaat journey
Taken from the McDowell Design Logo. Gold represents prosperity and mirrors the Finnish meaning of the brands name of "you can"
While the project will be long over the course of the semester, I have broken down the workload into key areas.